
Saturday, 29 November 2014

"I'm standing here looking in the mirror"...

..."saying damn to myself"

and as in the later part of the song...
"it is too late to talk about it"

but what i will say...

Friday, 24 October 2014

i was sure by now...

"...that you would have reached down,
and wiped my tears away,
stepped in and saved the day..."

It would appear that i only remember social media as an outlet for the dispensing of prevailing emotional

Today, in addition to the lyrics of the song on replay on my phone (see you tube video),
A few lines i stole from a friend that seem so apt...

"you feel lonely, not when no-one cares about you,
but when the person you expect to care,
doesn't care about you at all"

Sunday, 21 September 2014

what type of office?

some years lil sis told my even lil'er cousin she'd started at her new job...& know what he asked her...what kind of office she works air-conditioned office or a ceiling fan office...taking into consideration that the generator in my sister's office had just packed up..she said she currently works in a window office...i on d other hand worked in a standing fan office (there was never "nepa" (power) for the air conditioning).
so...wot kind of office do you work in?

by the way...just in case you were wondering...i upgraded  (in more ways than one) :D

Saturday, 20 September 2014

the life and times of a "RONDO"

my mom once attempted to explain the word "RONDO" to my lil' cousin.(and by little i mean he was under ten @ d time).
He was not a little irritated @ my chosen nickname for him.(his even youger brother was RUNDU - merely a slight variation for the pupose of distinguishing btw d 2 of them when i needed to get their attention).
...neway...back to rondo...
My mom explained the "rondo" was how an elderly person (i.e myself - although i find it laughable that ne1 wld refer to me as matter my age), referred to a younger, usually chubbier person. the term, she further clarified was attributed to cute young boys and girls , and so he should actually consider it a compliment.