
Thursday, 14 April 2016

20 FACTs about MISS RONDO: part LAST guys are the AWESOMEST

NINETY-FOUR page views!!! (i know like 50 of those are mine...but still...94!) πŸ˜€


I truly am gratefully humbled by your followership...
it motivates me, knowing someone or 94 someones
out there are intrigued enough about this "Rondo"
character to get to know her...
and hopefully, by the end of this post...
know her you will!

So, lets move on shall we...
just 10 more to go...

11. Miss Rondo LOVES music!
...and much in contrast to her dancing (IN)ability can actually hold a tune. Really though...
you should hear her in the bathroom...she sounds quite good
(as I imagine half of the world's population would too...
...if they had access to a tiled bathroom πŸ˜… )
But more seriously...Miss Rondo loves music...
the quality of her singing ability however...i'll leave entirely to your judgment...

12. Miss Rondo is fashionable
NOT a fashionista...(because truly sometimes she can't be bothered
and certainly doesn't let it rule her life as many young "urbanian" types are wont to do)...
but  she is fashionable. She can't claim any credit for the trait however...
apparently; its generic. Her mom is quite fashionable are her maternal aunts...
as was her grandmother (or so she's been told).
Her fashion principle is simple...too much of anything 
(no matter how good) ends up bad!...therefore, moderation in all...
and it seems to work for her (most of the time) 😜 ...

13. Miss Rondo dislikes cooking
Don't get it wrong...because she dislikes it doesn't mean she can't.
She can...very well in fact...she just doesn't like it...
Kind of the way she dislikes half of the people she works with...
doesn't mean she's gonna resign...

14. Miss Rondo has OCD
...short for obsessive compulsive disorder.
Although thankfully not chronic, the condition does sometimes manifest
at the most inopportune moments...
To fully appreciate this particular trait of hers,
one may have to spend more that a fleeting amount of time observing her...
but trust's there...

15. Miss Rondo is proud
But in my opinion, not in a bad way.
She possesses the sort of self pride that stops her from ass-kissing her boss for example
The sort that has her obeying traffic rules
'cos she cant be begging LASTMA, MOPOL or VIO if caught.
The sort that stops her from engaging in aristoism
(she can't allow anybody to be talking t her anyhow because he has money to "buga" her)
So yes, she's proud...and proud of it...

16. Miss Rondo is opinionated...
And again...i don't think it is (or mean it) in a bad way...
may be because; before she forms an opinion regarding a matter,
she has weighed the matter indepthly and taken account the different views
of other learned opinionators (an actual English word)...
or because she subjects her opinions to rigorous reasoning,..
sometimes playing the devil's advocate against her own arguments...
in a bid to arrive at objectivity
but of  course...all this is just my opinion... πŸ˜†

17. Miss Rondo has 20-20 vision
Shocking right!...she's ALWAYS wearing glasses
Well...she doesn't need them. its simply something she thinks enhances her appearance
"makes her look more serious" she reckons...
What looks more unserious though
than a person who doesn't need glasses but wears them?!

18. Miss Rondo is a San-Mel
the talker-thinker, she, like many others with this temperament is highly emotional,
personable and given to perfectionism (remember the ocd?).
For me, this certainly explains a lot about her!

19. Miss Rondo HATES injustice
Especially when its targeted at the poor and lowly.
I mean...they already have it can you condone making it harder
There's a special place in hell reserved for people like that in my opinion...
and Miss Rondo's as well

and finally...number...

20. Miss Rondo is SINGLE
i have intentionally left this last for 2 reasons...
(apart from the obviousness of causing some drama of course)...
a. It is not an actual "trait" like the aforementioned are...more like a circumstance really...
(and those change all the time)
b. there is a plot to the story which...(yep...u guessed it)... you will be reading about in another post.

Suffice to say i personally think being single is one of the enabling circumstances 
for most of the traits she does have! Or the time available to start this blog!

So there you have them (finally)...20 FACTS about Miss Rondo...
There are many more of course...
However, those can only be unveiled as we continue through this journey together of
Miss Rondo: the life and times

Till my next post...i leave you with another song i've been playing frequently...


  1. I know you have been expecting my comments, just a few comments
    1.Compared to Volumptous Bella's voice, Miss Rondo should keep quiet��
    2. Miss Rondo does James Bond driving while at the same time cannot beg Lastma or Mopol.
    3. Miss Rondo makes good Chin-Chin��
    4. Miss Rondo has a Bodyguard - Me!!!, even Facebook agrees.

  2. 27 again Miss Rondo does James Bond driving I totally agree to this one a thousand times

  3. Awesome blog! Miss Rondo prefers drawings Plans to Elevations.

  4. Interesting series. I enjoyed reading this a lot!
