
Wednesday, 22 April 2015

by choice

Today, i'm going with the remix Shoki video by Kesh ft Davido and Olamide.
I'm trying to learn the featured dance steps and this vid  seemed a good place to start...

So last weekend, i took my lil cousins out to what my aunt repeatedly refers to as the most expensive burger joint in Lagos.

The location was indeed pre-conceived. I had to impress them...

At 8 and 9 respectively they have gone on more than twice the number of trips abroad  than i have at over taati!, attend "ivy-league" primary schools in Lagos,
and of course live in VI.

I constantly have to up my game with them to retain a certain level of coolness that will be looked up to ( a certain level of vanity is per-requisite as part of good character in my opinion...bite me).

So, not only did i have to spend my hard earned and meager salary (who sent me abi?) on the rugrats!...they had the very good idea to bring a friend along! My aunty felt so sorry for me...(twas her daughter's friend after all...she actually offered to pay for the unplanned guest....i declined of vanity dictated i should)

Neway...all four of we (yes we) went on to have said lunch and actually had a good time too...ergo exhibits a, b and c...

Notice there is no picture of i myself actually eating though...i didn't have much of an appetite (it had NOTHING to do with trying to conserve funds...seriously).

Then halfway through the meal, i thought it wouldn't be nice not to @ least get some takeouts for my older (but still younger than me) cousins who didn't come with us cos there was no way to fit everyone in my car (plus this was just an outing for the kids neway). Then i decided, wth...might as well get my uncle and aunt sumfin too...(they would for me, plus i'd been considering going on a garri only diet for a while now...good enough time to start after emptying my bank account for this)...

So, after making all the extra orders...said cousins' friend pointed out that we hadn't got her mom anything...loool...imagine!...i told her her mom wasn't there when i was picking her up, and that i was only getting stuff for people in the house. She pressed though. Insisting that her mom (who i don't even know by the way) would be upset with me if i didn't get her something as well!...loool...imagine!!! an (very hard to accomplish) even-paced voice, i told her not to worry,i could deal with her mom's biff. What i didn't say was: see squatter to trying to guilt trip space-owner to accommodate floater o! Looooool...IMAGINE!...This pre-teen kid trying to scam!...
Miss Rondo...who doesn't believe in niceness (it is NOT a fruit of the spirit)...
Miss Rondo...the scam detection (and in erection) expat!...SSMH...

And that gets me all the time with adults
You want something from another person...good enough...fair even...BUT...
Why cant you just ask nicely and hope they'll respond to your request on the basis of their personal reasoning preferences. Rather than attempt blackmailing them to get your way.

It certainly doesn't endear  you to them! Coercion NEVER does.

And its not just about getting material or financial favors or manipulating a person to do your bidding. Some (in my opinion VERY sad) people even try to manipulate others into loving them! It's almost like using jazz...what is the pleasure in having someone defer to you knowing its not really by their choice, but because they believe they have none?!

In my is not love except freely given
Choice is NOT  choice except without fear...

Till the next time from me you hear..........its "shoki" remix on replay...


  1. Scam,Scammer,Scammest. That kid is exhibiting questionable traits haha. Well you gotta love 'em!

  2. Miss Rondo...the scam detection (and in erection) expat!...SSMH...

    something doesn't gel with the above sentence and kids in one blog it just me?
